Saturday night was a bit quiet this past weekend so I decided that there was no better time to try out some of the beers I ordered from Beer Cartel earlier in the week.
Started off with Murray's
Rudeboy Pilsner which was very refreshing with a strong malty flavour that usually comes from a good lager. However unlike most standard lager/pilsner style beers I felt that the hops used gave a very nice fruity smell and taste to it before you get hit with a big malty punch at the end.
This style of beer is not my normal go to but Rudeboy definately has that well flavoured european tasting Pilsner style down, enough so that I was rather chuffed that I ordered 2 bottles of this and finished the second one off on Sunday arvo.
Beer: Murray's Rudeboy (Abv. 4.8%)
Style: Pilsner
Aroma: Very light citrus smell from the hops.
Food Pairing: barbecued red meat and a hot day

Onto Moonboy, I actually had this interesting beer off tap recently at SuperWhatNot and was impressed by it so much that I ordered 2 bottles to try.
Pouring this beer into my trusty White Rabbit glass I could smell the fruitiness straight away. My first sip (and smell) was met with fruit on the nose and a rather smooth malt finish which I think considering the lower than normal alcohol content makes for a flavour packed beer.
This Beer pours a beautiful light amber colour with a clean white head that leaves great lacing on the glass with every mouthful.
Another great session beer from Murray's and one that I will add to my rotation once it is easier to purchase locally.
Beer: Murray's Moon Boy (Abv. 4.5%)
Style: Amber Ale
Aroma: Good citrus/fruit smell
Food Pairing: I'd go with chicken or meaty white fish
The third beer I had on Saturday was one that I had ordered purely out of interest both for
Moon Dog brewery who I didn't know much about and for the fact that it is rather unique being a Watermelon Hefweizen!
From the bottle to the flavour this is just a fun beer with a great art on the bottle along with some appropriate lyrics on one side in the vein of the Jackson 5 song Blame it on the boogie.
Bjorn pours with a nice light cloudy yellow colour and good white head.
I was slightly dissapointed with the aroma as I personally couldn't pick up much from smelling it and although it does say that it's packed with "watermelon, fresh lime and mint" I didn't get much of that at all through the nose.
After the first mouthful I was not too sure what to make of it but after another mouthful I definately got the watermelon flavour and it was quite refreshing as is often the case with hefweizen style beers.
I only had one bottle of this and I may get another one if not purely because it is a unique flavour and I think it could take a couple to get used to it, that said this is another warm day beer that can easily be sessioned.
If nothing else I now have the desire to try more from Moon Dog which I will hopefully do in the near future.
Beer: Bjorn to Boogie - Watermelon Weizen (Abv. 5%)
Style: Hefweizen
Aroma: I really didn't get much of a smell out of this one but it could just be my nose!
Food Pairing: I personally would drink this whilst eating a bit of white chocolate (I am somewhat weird that way though!) or even a bit of watermelon which would probably help to pickup more of the flavour from the beer.